Thursday, July 03, 2008

Common Recruitment Examination

Common Recruitment Examination and
Basic Law Test (Degree / Professional Grade) (CRE and BLT)

The coming “Common Recruitment Examination and Basic Law Test” (CRE and BLT) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be held on 4 October 2008 in Hong Kong. To facilitate those studying or residing outside Hong Kong, the examination will also be held on 29 November 2008 in a number of non-local cities. The application period will be from 2 to 15 August 2008 which is applicable to both examination dates. Both local and non-local candidates applying to sit for any of the CRE papers may also apply to take the BLT on the same day. Non-local candidates who already possess the requisite CRE or equivalent results may apply to take the BLT only on 29 November 2008. The application details, including the advertisement, will be sent to you on or before 2 August 2008 for your reference.

The CRE and BLT are open to all holders of degree or professional qualifications who are interested in applying for civil service posts at degree or professional level. For the coming “CRE and BLT”, university students who will have attained a degree in the 2008-09 academic year may also apply.


The application details of the coming “CRE and BLT” and its on-line application facilities will be available on our homepage (under the “Recruitment” section) at from 2 August 2008. Enquiries on the coming “CRE and BLT” may be directed to us by phone at 2537 6429 or by e-mail to

Civil Service Bureau

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